
The table below shows which Bible lessons we've written so far. As we get more of the lessons online, we'll update this table with more links.
Theme Day of Week Elementary Preschool Teen
Bible Lesson Second Lesson Bible Lesson D.Q.
God's Sheep (2007, 2013)
(Visuals: 1, 2, [skit], 4, 5)
Monday Going Astray (Moses and the Rock) Obey God (Moses and the Rock) We All Sin Going Astray 6
Tuesday Lamb of God (Isaac and the Ram) Praising God (David the Shepherd)*** Thanking the Creator Isaac and the Lamb 6
Wednesday Stolen Sheep (Saul and the Spoils) (Alternate Format: Skit**) Baa, baa, baa! (Saul and the Sheep) Obey the Shepherd Stolen Sheep 6
Thursday Sheep Security (The Good Shepherd) Jesus Loves Children (Let the children come.) The Shepherd Knows His Sheep Sheep Security 6
Friday Shepherded Sheep (Leading and Following) God Loves Us (The 99 and the 1) (incomplete) Jesus Wants to Be Your Shepherd Shepherded Sheep 6
Soldiers of God (2008, 2014)
(Visuals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Monday Red Cord of Salvation Joshua and the Walls Ball Red Cord of Salvation 5
Tuesday Obey Your Commander Centurion's Servant (Jesus is God) Book Our Commanding Officer 7
Wednesday Armor of God David and Goliath* (Trust in God.) Heart Armor of God 5
Thursday Good Soldier (Jeremiah and the Cistern) regular version interactive version The Blind Army Cross Good Soldier 6
Friday Prayer Warrior Peter in Prison (prayer) Crown Prayer Warrior** 7
Fishing for Christ (2004, 2009, 2015)
(Visuals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Monday The Fish with the Coin The Coin in the Fish's Mouth Black The Fish and the Coin** 5
Tuesday The Sign of Jonah Jonah: Obey God Red Sign of Jonah 5
Wednesday Raised from the Dead Feeding the Big Crowd White Raised from the Dead 5
Thursday Following God (Fishing All Night) Fish in the Net Gold Following God 6
Friday Fishers of Men Fishers of Men Green Fishers of Men 6
Following the Footsteps (2010)
Visuals: coming soon.
Monday Two Obedient Men (Caleb & Joshua) Caleb & Joshua Obey Redeeming a Dog Two Obedient Men 6
Tuesday Do What It Says (Ezra and Nehemiah and the Feast of Booths) Ezra Reads the Bible The Misbehaving Doggy Do What It Says 6
Wednesday Look and Live (The Bronze Snake and the Son of Man) Snakes in the Desert: Trusting God Doggies Don't Like Baffs Look and Live 7
Thursday Hannah's Prayer Hannah Prays Unconditional Love Hannah's Prayer 6
Friday Footsteps of Service (Epaphroditus and the Shunemmite) Elisha and the Shunnemite: Helping Others** Associating with a Skunk Footsteps of Service 6
Running the Race (2011) Visuals: coming soon. Monday David and the Lord's Annointed: Jesus should be Lord and Master of our lives. David and Saul: God is in Charge Ball [Coming Soon] 8
Tuesday Daniel and the Satraps: God Expects Faithfulness [Coming Soon] Book [Coming Soon] 7
Wednesday Josiah and the Book: we should study God's word and apply it to our lives. Josiah and the Bible** Heart [Coming Soon] 9
Thursday The Rich Young Man: throw off things that entangle The Paralytic Man** Cross [Coming Soon] 7
Friday The Finish Line: Heaven (John on Patmos) Throw Your Net on the Other Side** Crown [Coming Soon] 8
Back to the Beginning (2012)
(Visuals are Available upon request for now; we hope to upload updated ones in 2018.)
MondayBeginning of Creation* Creation Black [Needed] 9
TuesdayBeginning of Sin Adam and Eve Sin* Red [Needed] 9
WednesdayBeginning of Salvation Noah and the Big Flood** White [Needed] 8
ThursdayBeginning of the Promise Abraham's Faith Gold [Needed] 9
FridayBeginning of the Church The Church Green [Needed] 8

* Needs presentational work (such as improved wording, better transitions, formatting, etc).
** Needs substantial work (such as better story-telling, overall tone, illustrations, too long or too short, etc).
*** Needs scripture references.

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