Paint By Shape
Tuesday: | Paint By Shape |
Preschool Lesson: | Adam and Eve Sin |
- preschool
- Paint
- Brushes
- Cleaning supplies
First, we decided to hold a Vacation Bible School. Then, we went looking for good materials, with strong biblical content. Finally, we decided to write the curriculum...
Tuesday: | Paint By Shape |
Preschool Lesson: | Adam and Eve Sin |
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Friday: | Garden Stones |
Bible Lesson: | The church was begun in order to witness for God in all parts of the earth. |
Memory Verse: | Acts 2:32 |
Preschool Lesson: | The church is made up of people (Acts 16) |
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Monday, June 18, 2012
Labels: craft, doesnotcorrelate, elementary, helpwanted, preschool, teens
Thursday: | Abraham & the Stars Window Hanging |
Bible Lesson: | We should have faith like Abraham. God's promise to Abraham is a blessing to us even today. |
Memory Verse: | Hebrews 11:6 |
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Friday, June 15, 2012
Labels: beginning, craft, elementary, preschool, teens
Wednesday: | Painted Ark Scene |
Bible Lesson: | Sin brings a penalty. Jesus paid our penalty so that we can be saved. |
Memory Verse: | 1st Corinthians 15:22 |
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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Labels: beginning, craft, elementary, preschool, teens
Tuesday: | Cross Wall Hanging |
Bible Lesson: | Humans are sinful and require salvation. (Genesis 3) |
Memory Verse: | Romans 3:22 |
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Labels: beginning, craft, elementary, teens
Monday: | Wax-Dipped Origami |
Bible Lesson: | God created the world and deserves our worship. (Genesis 1, Acts 17) |
Memory Verse: | Acts 17:24 |
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday: | Inflatable Origami Creation Box |
Elementary Lesson: | God created the world and deserves our worship. |
Memory Verse: | The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. Acts 17:24 |
Posted by
Monday, June 11, 2012
Labels: beginning, craft, elementary
Building a scale model of the ark is a significant undertaking, but it is very worthwhile if you can manage it. There are several good reasons to build one:
parallelizabletask. What I mean is this: you can easily put 20-30 people to work on it at the same time. Much of the work involves gluing cardboard boxes together and holding them in place while the glue dries. Virtually anyone can participate. Hold a workday, perhaps on a Saturday a couple of weeks before your Bible School, and get as many people involved as possible.
How could all the animals fit on the ark, betrays a fundamental lack of any sense of exactly how large the ark was. You can tell people it was 450 feet long, but that's just a number. To really grasp how large it was, people need to see it. Building a scale model, and placing appropriately scaled animals inside, provides a much more intuitive, tangible picture that people can readily understand and remember. (Building it full size would be even better, but you might not quite have the budget for that. This scale model is much more affordable.)
insidewhile the other box will have its flaps on the
outside. On the side facing you, one box will have its tall panel above the short one, and the other will have its short panel above the tall one. (On the side away from you it will be the other way around.) Once you get everything in position, with the folds at the top lined up and the flaps exactly overlapping each other (but not overlapping the main parts of the other box), glue them together. Link a total of twelve boxes like this. When you are done, you should have a single continuous long roof, hinged at the center. Altogether it should be 225 inches long and 42 inches wide (21 inches on each side of the fold).
opensections with decks where you will display the animals and stocks of food and so forth, make sure you get them in the part of the ark where you want them, so that people will be able to walk up and look inside. Altogether, there should be fourteen sections in all.
pitch(we used black paper; it would also be possible to use spray paint). Display it in a prominent location, such as on the stage in your auditorium, or in your foyer or entryway if it's large enough. (Our stage is too small, so we angled the ark from the back corner of the stage out across and off the front of the stage on the other side; we used additional boxes to build a stand to support the ends that sticks off, and we covered the stand with a tarp —blue to represent water or green to represent grass.)
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Thursday, June 07, 2012
Labels: beginning, decorations
Friday: | Beginning of the Church |
Story Passage: | Acts 16:9-15 |
Other Passages: | Acts 16:40, Philippians 1:1 |
Objective: | The church is made up of people. |
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Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Thursday: | Abraham's Faith |
Story Passage: | Genesis 15 |
Other Passages: | |
Objective: | We should have faith in God, just as Abraham did. |
My wife, Sarah, and I don't have any children. When we die, all our land and all our stuff will go to my servant, Eliezer.
No. Eliezer will not get your land and all your stuff. You and Sarah will have a child.
Count them, if you can.There were too many to count. God told Abraham that someday his family would have as many people as all the stars in the sky. And Abraham believed God. Would you believe God if he told you that you would have that many children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren? Abraham believed God.
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Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Wednesday: | Noah and the Flood |
Story Passage: | Genesis 6-9 |
Other Passages: | 2nd Peter 2:5 |
Objective: | God expects us to obey him. God takes care of those who love and obey him. |
his heart was filled with pain.So God said,
I will wipe men from the earth, men and animals and birds. I am sorry I ever made them!
Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.That means that God was happy with Noah, because Noah obeyed God and did what was right.
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Monday, June 04, 2012
Labels: beginning, bible, lessons, needswork, preschool, toolong
Tuesday: | Adam and Eve Sin |
Story Passage: | Genesis 3 |
Other Passages: | Revelation 12:9 |
Objective: | Adam and Eve sinned. We all sin. Sin is when we disobey God. |
Did God really say that you must not eat fruit from any tree in the garden?[That's not what God said, is it?] Eve answered,
We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden. But God did say that we must not eat from that tree in the middle of the garden, or we will die.
Oh, you won't die. God knows that when you eat from that tree, you will be like him, knowing good from evil.Eve thought about that. She looked at the fruit on that tree. It looked nice. It looked like it would taste good, and she wanted to be wise like God. So she ate some. And she gave some to Adam and he ate some too. And then they knew they had done wrong. They had disobeyed God.
Adam, where are you?(God knew where he was, didn't he?) Adam said,
I heard you coming and I was afraid, so I hid.
Why are you afraid? Did you eat from the tree that I told you not to eat from?
Well, that woman you put here with me, she gave it to me, so I ate it.Do you ever blame someone else when you do wrong?
What is this you have done?
Well, the snake tricked me, so I ate the fruit.
Because of what you have done, you will crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life.
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Sunday, June 03, 2012
Monday: | Creation |
Story Passage: | Genesis 1 |
Other Passages: | Ephesians 2:8-10, Col. 1:15-16, Romans 1:16-21, Romans 8:18-25, Acts 17:16-33 |
Objective: | God created the world and deserves our worship. |
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Saturday, June 02, 2012
Wednesday: | Discussion Questions: The Beginning of Salvation |
Story Passages: | Genesis 6-9 (especially 6:13, 6:22, 7:18-8:1, 8:21-22) |
Other Passages: | Genesis 3:15; Romans 6:23; Leviticus 11; Matthew 24:36-42; 1st Peter 3:18-22; Hebrews 2:11-18, 9:26-28, 11:7; 2nd Corinthians 5:20-6:2 |
Memory Verse: | 1st Corinthians 15:22 |
Posted by
Friday, June 01, 2012
Labels: beginning, discussion, teens