Water Relay

Tuesday: Water Relay
Elementary Bible Lesson: Daniel and the Satraps: God expects faithfulness
Memory Verse: 1st Corinthians 15:58
Preschool Bible Lesson: TBA
Age Groups:
  • elementary
  • preschool
  • teens
Equipment Needed:
  • plastic plates
  • two large buckets
  • two smaller buckets
Divide the children into their red and blue teams. Give each team a plastic plate. (Rubbermaid plates like the ones distributed with Mainstay dogfood in the eighties work nicely. Otherwise, styrofoam will do in a pinch but not paper.) Line each team up in a line behind the starting line. Give each team a large bucket full of water at the starting line. Place a smaller, empty bucket for each team at the finish line. (For teens, place the buckets farther apart than for the younger children.) When the whistle is blown, the first person on each team must carry water on the plate from the large bucket to the small bucket, then give the empty plate to the next person, and return to the back of the line. Repeat until bucket is full (if time allows); each person may go more than once. The first team to fill their small bucket wins. (Repeat the game only if time allows.) The game leaders should keep plenty of water in the large buckets, using the hose as necessary. Whichever team wins the most number of times (or gets their bucket fullest if time runs short) should be awarded fifty points.
Pre-school Version:
Shorten the distance between the buckets, use cups instead of plates, and play all as one team together.

Baton Relay

Monday: Baton Relay
Bible Lesson: David and the Lord's Annointed: Jesus should be Lord and Master of our lives.
Memory Verse: 1st John 2:3
Age Groups:
  • elementary
  • teens
Equipment Needed:
  • baton objects (these can be basically anything)
  • marks for the starting line and relay line (e.g., rope or chalk line)
Divide the children into teams of four. Split each team of four into two groups of two. Place one group from each team at the starting line, and the other group from their team at the relay line. Give one person in the starting group from each team the baton for that team.
When the whistle is blown, the starting runner from each team must take the baton ring to the relay line and hand it off to the second runner there; the second runner must return the starting line and hand the baton ring off to the third runner, who must take it to the relay line and hand off to the fourth runner, who must carry the ring back to the starting line (which is also the finish line) to conclude the race.
Instruct the children to sit down after they have finished running their segment of the race (so that you will know who still has to run). Repeat as time permits, or until the children can no longer breathe.