
We'll fill in the links in this table as we get our decoration plans online. See SVG Documents for information about the SVG documents.

Theme Bulletin Boards Wall Decorations Ceiling Decorations Stage Decorations Panel Display Other
Fishing for Christ Elementary, Preschool, Teen fish everywhere (artwork needed) hang from ceiling: fish, bobbers, poles, and so on Needed Needed
Running the Race Elementary, Preschool, Teen runners, running shoes, pennants, crossed checkered flags, ... (artwork needed) Needed Needed Needed Starting line / Finish line sign across entryway
Back to the Beginning Elementary, Preschool, Teen Needed Needed Needed Needed
God's Sheep bulletin board plans* (teen comic strips)** flocks of sheep (artwork) Needed sheepfold Isaac & the Ram (scenes)
Soldiers of God Elementary, Preschool, Teen Available Needed Needed Needed
Footsteps of the Fathers (tentative) Elementary, Preschool, Teen Needed Needed Needed Needed

1 comment:

  1. I think you're doing a great job on your site. I'm interested in "Running the race." When do you think you'll have more info posted. I'm needing some more ideas by the end of this month.
