Now What?

Friday:Now What?
Bible Lesson: Fishers of Men
Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19
Missions Concepts: Missionaries disciple new believers, plant churches, and train pastors.
Missions Examples: Project Timothy (Uberlandia, Brazil)
Bible Passages: [needed]
[Start with the skit, Unprepared Fishermen V.]
Introduction: Fishing
In the skit, what did Bob need to do with the fish, after it was out of the water? That's right, he needed to put it in the bucket, with the other fish.
Did you know, after people come to know Jesus, they need something similar? Do we put them in a bucket? No. But they do need to be with a group of other believers, who are learning about God. What do we call a group like that? (A church.)
Example: Project Timothy
In Uberlandia, Brazil, Pastor Sebastian is Fishing for Christ. But now, he's not doing it alone, because he has other men working with him – men who are trained in the Bible, and are planting churches. Do you know where these men came from? They came from Pastor Sebastian's church. When these men heard the good news about Jesus, he didn't just send them on their way. He continued to teach them, everything that they needed to know, about Jesus, about God, and about the Bible. Now, some of these men are ready to go fishing themselves, and they are planting more churches.
The Point: Discipleship
Application: Now What?
This week here at Bible School, some of you may have received Jesus, or maybe some of your friends heard the good news about how to be saved. Should you quit coming once that happens? Should you quit bringing that friend who got saved? No! Once we're a part of the body of Christ, we still need to be learning, everything God wants us to know, so that we can grow in our faith and be able to share with others.
Invitation: Missions
Invite any children who want to do missions work to stay after the lesson and discuss it further.

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