Fishers of Men, Preschool Lesson

Monday:Fishers of Men
Story Passages: Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-16
Other Passages: Matthew 4:18-22, John 14:1-4, Acts 1:6-11, 2nd Peter 3:9
Objective: We should tell others about Jesus.
Introduction: Disciples
When Jesus chose his disciples, he called four fishermen. They were Peter, Andrew, James, and John. He told them, Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Jesus then spent three years teaching all 12 of the disciples about God and the things God wants us to know and do.
Story: Commission
After Jesus died for our sins and arose from the dead, but before he went back to heaven, he taught the disciples more things. He told them important things to do. He wants us to do these things too.
One thing Jesus said was, Go into all the world and preach the good news to [everyone]. Does that mean that you should go to some far away country tomorrow and tell people about Jesus? (No.) You can't do that, not tomorrow. Sometimes Jesus wants grownups to go to other countries. But you can tell your friends and family about Jesus any time, wherever you live. Jesus wants everyone to know him and be saved. Whoever believes in Jesus will be saved. But whoever does not believe in Jesus won't be. So it is really important that people know about Jesus, isn't it? Jesus also said that we should teach people to obey everything that Jesus said.
Application: Fishers of Men
Who can you tell about Jesus? You can tell your friends that you play with, your neighbors or friends at preschool. You can tell people in your family. What kind of things can you tell them? You can tell them the things that you learned about Jesus this week, like how he fed 5,000 people from one little boy's lunch. You can tell them things you learn in Sunday School or on Wednesday nights. You can tell them how much you love Jesus. And you can share the wordless book with them. Jesus wants us to share with others. That way we can be fishers of men. We can catch people for Jesus.

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