Fish in the Net

Thursday:Fish in the Net
Story Passage: John 21
Other Passages:
Objective: Jesus is God; Jesus rose from the dead.
Introduction: Fishing All Night
After Jesus died, some of his disciples were together. They were Peter, James, John, Nathaniel, and Thomas. Jesus wasn't with them. Maybe they didn't know what to do. Peter said, Let's go fishing. So the others said, OK, we'll go with you.
So that night they got in a boat and went out on the Sea of Galilee to fish. They had been fisherman. They knew the best places to fish on the Sea and they knew the best time was at night. But they fished all night and caught nothing. Not one fish.
Story: Throw Your Net on the Right Side
Now early in the morning as they came towards shore, Jesus was standing on the beach. But they didn't know it was him. He called out to them, Friends, have you caught any fish? No, they said.
Jesus said, Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some. So they did. And right away, they caught so many fish in their net that they couldn't pull the net back into the boat.
Then John said to Peter, It's the Lord! He knew who could do miracles like that, didn't he? So they hurried to shore. They were so excited to see Jesus alive again. Peter even jumped out of the boat and hurried in ahead of the boat. When they got to shore, they found that Jesus had cooked fish and bread for them for breakfast.
Application: Jesus is God
We know that Jesus was God. Not only could he do special things like help the disciples catch a lot of fish, but he had risen from the dead. Only God could do that.

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