Felt Pennant (Preschool Version)

Monday: Felt Pennant
Bible Lesson: David and Saul: God is in Charge
Shape Lesson: Ball: God made the world.
Age Groups:
  • preschool
Supplies Needed:
  • black felt
  • scraps of felt in other colors
  • dowel rods (short)
Pre-cut the pennant shapes out of black felt, and shapes of things that God created out of other colors of felt, e.g., yellow sun, white moon and stars, green plants, etc.
Each child gets an oblong isosceles triangle of black felt, plus small pieces representing things God created. Help the children glue the things God made onto their pennant. Remind them that God made everything, and these things they are gluing onto their pennant are just examples. Attach the finished pennant to a dowel rod. After Bible School, they can take their pennant home and hang it on a wall.

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