1 John 2:5

Monday:1st John 2:5
Bible Lesson: Caleb & Joshua: We should trust and obey God.
Memory Verse: But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. 1st John 2:5
Preparation: Workday
Cut out about fifty footprints. Write one word on each footprint, making sure to use all the words from the verse, as well as a number of additional decoy words. (Do this part at one of your VBS workdays.)
Preparation: Setup
Lay the footprints out, with the verse words in the correct arrangement for stepping and the decoy words intermixed among them, side by side with them, so that the children will have to select the correct footprint to step on for each word.
Introduction: Caleb & Joshua
Earlier, we learned about Caleb and Joshua, and how they trusted and obeyed God.
[Hold up the posterboard with the verse on it. Read it through once.]
Ten of the spies didn't trust and obey God. God told them something to do, and they disobeyed, because they didn't have faith. Caleb and Joshua saw the same thing that the other ten men saw, but they trusted that God would take care of them and give them what he had promised. When they did this, they showed that they loved God, and God blessed them by allowing them to enter the promised land.
Explanation: 1st John 2:5
Everyone who loves God and wants to live for him should be acting this verse out in their lives. God doesn't give us the option to pick and choose which parts of the Bible we will obey. We have to obey all of it. And then God's live will be complete in us.
I don't know about you, but I want to be the best Christian that I can be. One way that I do that is by obeying God's word.
Game: Footsteps
Allow one child at a time to walk through the footsteps as the entire group says the verse through slowly. Pace the saying of the verse so that the child has a chance to figure out where to step. (For younger children, an older child can assist by pointing out where they should step next.)
Continue allowing additional children to go through until your time is up.
Announcement: Verse Points
Tomorrow, when you come to Bible School, if you can say your memory verse without looking, you can earn points for your team's score. Each person who can say the verse can earn 200 points. So, if you want to help your team win more points, go home and practice your verse a few times. Don't forget the reference! On your way out the door tonight, you will be given a slip of paper with your verse on it. Don't lose it, because if you learn your verse, your team gets 200 more points!
You can say your verse for points tomorrow when you check in at the registration table.

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