Ephesians 6:11

Wednesday:Armor of God
Bible Lesson: Temptations should be resisted using God's word and the armor of God, not human reasoning.
Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:11, Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
Introduction: [Needed]
Explanation: Ephesians 6:11
[Show the verse and read it aloud.]
Does the verse mean that we should actually put on a metal helmet? (No.) What does it mean? When the devil is scheming, does it matter whether we're sitting down or standing up? (No.) What is the verse talking about then?
When a soldier has his armor on, he is ready for battle. He's prepared. We should be prepared too. Who remembers from the Bible lesson some of the ways we should be prepared? (Accept answers.) So those things, our salvation, righteousness, knowing your Bible, prayer, and so on, those things are our armor. They protect us. That's what the verse is talking about. When it says we should put on the full armor, do you suppose that means we should do just some of these things? If we just get saved, can we stop then? (No.) We need to do all of those things, so we can have on the full armor, so we can be totally ready to take our stand.
Game: Scrambled Verse
Read the verse together several times, then turn it around.
Divide the children into groups of three or four (all from the same team in each group), and give each group a baggie containing all the words in the verse on separate pieces of paper. Have the children arrange the words into the proper order, to make the verse. Some groups may need a little help. Have each group stand up and read their verse through together when they think they have it in order. If it's not right, tell them which words are in the wrong place, and let them keep trying. Award points for their team to the first groups that finish. When all the groups have finished, have all the children say the verse together without looking.

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