Tuesday: | Isaac and the Lamb |
Story Passage: | Genesis 22 |
Other Passages: | Hebrews 11:19 |
Objective: | Teens should learn that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, so that we don't have to. |
Discussion Questions: | Available. |
Memory Verse: | Romans 4:25, He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. |
Introduction: Sacrificial Lambs
In the Old Testament times, when the people of Israel
sinned, they often sacrificed animals, in order to show God their
repentance. That means they gave them up - that's what sacrifice
means, to give something up. They took some of their animals, sheep,
goats, oxen, and especially lambs, and slaughtered them as a
sacrifice, giving them up to God. When the Bible calls Jesus the lamb
of God, it means he is God's sacrifice, something God gave up, and
that he died to pay the penalty for sin. So their sacrifice was
showing something about how Jesus would pay for their sins in the
future. Once he was crucified, once for all, it was no longer
necessary to offer up the animals, which is why we do not offer animal
sacrifices today.
The Story: Isaac and the Ram
Open your Bibles to Genesis 22. This is an example of
someone who was willing to give his only son. Abraham and his wife
Sarah waited long into old age to have a son that God had promised
them. When they finally had the son, they named him Isaac. [Have
them read aloud verses 1-13.]
[Ask if there are any questions concerning what they just read.]
What did Abraham take with him when he went to Mt. Moriah?
Look at verse 8. Did Abraham trust God?
Why did God send Abraham on this journey?
The Point: Substitutionary Atonement
Jesus is called the Lamb of God because he is like the
ram, who died for Isaac. Jesus died for us, to pay the penalty for
our sin, so that the penalty could be taken away, so that we can be
forgiven. How did Jesus pay the penalty for our sin? (He had to
die.) Where did Jesus die? (On the cross.) Jesus did not remain in
the grave - he raised from the dead after three days. So, if we trust
in the payment Jesus made by dying on the cross, then we can be
forgiven, and live with God forever in heaven someday. If we had to
pay our own penalty, we would be separated from God forever, but when
Jesus pays our penalty, it's completely covered, and God can forgive
Invitation: Salvation
Talk to me today before you leave, if you want to discuss how Jesus can pay for your sin.
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
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