Isaac and the Lamb Discusion Questions

Tuesday: Isaac and the Lamb
Story Passage: Genesis 22
Other Passages: Hebrews 11:19, Genesis 17:17-21
Memory Verse: Romans 4:25, He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
  1. God clearly knew about Ishmael (Gen 17:17-21), so why did he call Isaac "your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love" in Genesis 22:2?
  2. Hebrews tells us that Abraham believed God could raise Isaac from the dead. How could he have reached that conclusion?
  3. Isaac himself carried the wood. (Does this remind you of anything?) How old must Isaac have been?
  4. Abraham was an old man, but he was able to bind Isaac and lay him on the altar. What must their relationship have been like?
If you need hints to answer some of the questions, look up the listed scripture passages.

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