Thursday: | The Good Shepherd |
Story Passage: | Luke 15:3-7, I Sam 17:32-37 |
Other Passages: | John 10:1-30, Romans 8:28-39 |
Objective: | Teens should learn that Jesus is the good shepherd and always looks after his sheep. |
Discussion Questions | Available |
Memory Verse: | John 10:28, I give them eternal life, and they will never die. No one can snatch them out of my hand. |
Introduction: The Sheep Follow the Shepherd
Have you ever babysat a little child? What do they do
if you leave them on their own for a few minutes? Sheep aren't much
better. They wander off, get lost, fall in holes, and generally get
themselves into trouble. To keep sheep from wandering off. someone
has to lead them. We call that person a shepherd. The sheep follow
their shepherd because they know his voice. He spends a lot of time
with them, and he knows them all, and calls them by name, and they
recognize his voice and follow him. Now, sheep are dumb, but they're
not complete idiots. They will not follow a stranger. They don't
know him, and they don't recognize his voice. So, if the stranger
tries to lead them away, they don't follow. They'll run and scatter,
but they won't follow him.
Do you think a stranger would want to take care of the
sheep if they wander off? Would a stranger protect the sheep like the
shepherd would? (No.) What kind of stranger might come and try to
lead the sheep away? (A thief.) But the sheep won't follow a thief -
and the thief won't protect the sheep, but the shepherd will. What
kinds of things might a shepherd protect sheep from? (Wandering off,
wild animals, etc.) Wolves? Lions? Bears?
Story: David, the Lion, and the Bear
In I Samuel 17, David tells Saul about when he was a
shepherd, and how he had to protect his sheep from wild animals.
David wanted to convince Saul that he would be able to fight Goliath.
Saul didn't believe he could do it, so David told him about the time
that he fought the lion - a lion came and took one of the sheep and
was going to carry it off for lunch, but David went after the lion,
and attacked the lion, and rescued the sheep from its mouth. He did
the same thing another time, when a bear took a sheep. He rescued the
sheep. When the bear turned on David, he grabbed it by its hair, and
killed the bear, and rescued the sheep. David was very brave, to
fight wild animals for his sheep. Would you fight a lion, or a bear,
for a sheep? It's just a sheep, right? One little sheep! Would you
fight a bear for one? David did. A good shepherd will do that. A
good shepherd will always protect his sheep.
Transition: The Good Shepherd
Jesus is our good shepherd. He is protecting us from
Satan, who is like a lion, and wants to devour us. But Jesus won't
let that happen, because he's the good shepherd.
Story: The Ninety-Nine and the One
Open your Bibles to Luke 15. Jesus told the Pharisees
a parable, a story that teaches a lesson. [Have them read verses 3-7
aloud.] Why did the shepherd leave the ninety-nine safe sheep to look
for the one lost sheep? Because, the lost sheep couldn't find its way
back alone - it was lost! A good shepherd won't allow his sheep to
stay lost. He goes and finds them and brings them back. Jesus always
takes care of his sheep. What was the lesson Jesus was trying to
Turn in your Bibles to John 10. Here Jesus is talking
about his role as the good shepherd. [Have them read verses 27-29.]
Point: Security
If we are Jesus' sheep, if we love him and follow him,
no one and nothing can take us away from God. If we believe in Jesus,
and accept him as our shepherd, we become his sheep. Then we follow
Invitation: Salvation
[Remind your teens that you are available to talk to if
they have anything they need to discuss before they leave
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
this helped me to finish a bible assignment. thanks